Everything But The Words - for dog pro's
2 CEUs available for CCPDT!
This class will provide you with knowledge and skills for recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues of the autonomic nervous system (in yourself, dogs, and other humans), so that you can communicate with clarity, expertly adjust the task and environment, and proactively reduce reactivity and stress for both your dog and your human clients.
Run time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Additional Activities: 50 minutes
*To receive CEU credit, you will be asked to provide specific feedback to Sharon after viewing the content.
2 CEUs available for CCPDT!
This class will provide you with knowledge and skills for recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues of the autonomic nervous system (in yourself, dogs, and other humans), so that you can communicate with clarity, expertly adjust the task and environment, and proactively reduce reactivity and stress for both your dog and your human clients.
Run time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Additional Activities: 50 minutes
*To receive CEU credit, you will be asked to provide specific feedback to Sharon after viewing the content.
2 CEUs available for CCPDT!
This class will provide you with knowledge and skills for recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues of the autonomic nervous system (in yourself, dogs, and other humans), so that you can communicate with clarity, expertly adjust the task and environment, and proactively reduce reactivity and stress for both your dog and your human clients.
Run time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Additional Activities: 50 minutes
*To receive CEU credit, you will be asked to provide specific feedback to Sharon after viewing the content.
After purchasing, you will receive an autogenerated confirmation email. Shortly thereafter, Sharon will email you a link to your class recording and the pdf’s of your worksheets. If you have any questions, please email Sharon at Sharon@holisticdogexpert.com